~ Little Red Bug ~

Little red bug, oh so cute,
Here's a black spot for your suit
Now you go and have some fun
  With your spot, your very first One.
                        Ladybug w/1 Spot
Little red bug, oh so cute,
  Here's a black spot for your suit
It's so nice to own a few,
So please enjoy these lovely Two.
                           Ladybug w/2 Spots
Little red bug, oh so cute,
   Here's a black spot for your suit.
  I am very pleased to see
     Just how nice you look with Three.
                         Ladybug w/3 Spots
Little red bug, oh so cute,
     Here's a black spot for your suit.
     You looked like you needed more,
     So I'll happily give you Four.
                             Ladybug w/4 Spots

    Little red bug, oh so cute,
     Here's a black spot for your suit.
    Oh my goodness, sakes alive!
     Look at you, you're wearing Five!
Ladybug w/5 Spots

© Susan M. Paprocki

Buggy Line Divider

When strolling thru the garden,
 If you should chance to see
 A Ladybug out walking,
 Please say "hi" for me!
 For Ladybugs are good bugs;
 They help the garden grow.
 They will bring you good luck,
 So always say "hello"!

Blue Mountain Arts LadybugLadybug w/Hands On Hips

Buggy Line Divider

A Ladybug wife left for work one day
 and said to her husband;
 "Now while I'm away,
 Take care of the house
and please sweep the floor,
 And don't let the baby bugs
 crawl out the door!"

A BOY Ladybug!
 So he dusted and cleaned,
 and he vacuumed the rug;
 He fed all the baby bugs
 and gave them a hug.
 When he finally finished,
 he said with a shrug -
 "It's hard work, being a Boy Ladybug!"

Buggy Line Divider

Ladybugs all dressed in red,
 Waltzing thru the flower bed!
 If I were tiny, just like you,
 I'd dance among the flowers too!

Ladybug Dancing In The Garden

Buggy Line Divider


Webpage ©  Taryn Campbell